7:00–8:30 AM               Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00–9:30 AM                GENERAL SESSION: "From Catastrophe to Comeback: How Joplin, Tuscaloosa, Hattiesburg, Moore and Oklahoma City recovered from Historic Storms" Joplin Mayor Melodee Colbert-Kean, Tuscaloosa Mayor Walter Maddox, Hattiesburg Mayor Johnny DuPree, Moore Mayor Glenn Lewis, and moderator Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett

9:30–9:40 AM               Break

9:40–10:25 AM             BREAKOUT SESSION 1

Track 1: Adjusters

"Preparing for A Claims Surge: Knowing Your Duties & What We’ve Learned from Recent Weather Events" Lynn Sheils, EWI Re

Track 2: Producers

"A Lloyd’s View of Tornado Risk and Related CAT Model" Pat Talley, Lloyd’s America; Steven M. McElhiney, EWI Re; William Bennett, Amlin and Matthew Nielsen, RMS

Track 3: Emergency Management

"Incident Management: May 20th Response" Dennis Beyer, Program Director, Oklahoma Incident Management Team and Troy German, Lt. at Oklahoma Department of Public Safety

Track 4: Special Interest

"Safe Rooms & Tornado Survivability" Dr. Ernst Kiesling, Texas Tech University & NSSA Executive Director

Track 5: NSWW

"A Review of U.S. Severe Weather in 2013" Greg Carbin, Jared Guyer and Dr. Russell Schneider, NOAA/ NWS Storm Prediction Center

10:25–10:45 AM            Break

10:45–11:30 AM            BREAKOUT SESSION 2

Track 1: Adjusters

"Depositions: How to Prepare" Kayce Gisinger, Abowitz, Timberlake & Dahnke

Track 2: Producers

"Impact Shingles: Mitigating Costs and Reducing Damage" PANEL: Richard Beals, Malarkey Roofing Products, Dwayne Sloan, Underwriters Laboratories and Steve Crosswhite, State Farm

Track 3: Emergency Management

"Debris Management: Planning and Implementation" Albert Ashwood, Oklahoma Emergency Management and Greg Eaton, FEMA

Track 4: Special Interest

"Building Safer Schools: A Look at Storm Shelters and Options for Retro-Fitting Existing Schools" Mike Vaughn, Vaughn Concrete Products and Jason Pirtle, TLM Associates Inc.

Track 5: NSWW

"May 2013 Tornadoes: Circumstances Surrounding Deaths and Injuries" Sheryll Brown, Injury Prevention Service, Oklahoma State Health Department and Tracy Wendling, Director of Surveillance, Injury Prevention Service, Oklahoma State Department of Health

11:30–11:45 AM           Break

11:45 AM–1:00 PM       GENERAL SESSION: "Roadmap to Rapid Recovery: A Residential Guide to Expediting Disaster Recovery" Doris Dunn (Moderator) and Carrie Bonney, Farmers Insurance; Zack Rosenburg, St. Bernard Project and Jerrod Hogan, Rebuild Joplin

1:00–1:15 PM              Break

1:15–2:00 PM              BREAKOUT SESSION 3

Track 1: Adjusters

"The Science of Disaster Resiliency" Dr. Tanya Brown, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety

Track 2: Producers

"Real Life Business Continuity: Examples from Moore, Oklahoma" David Hall (Moderator) State Farm, Memory Taylor, Agapeland Learning Center, & Jim Evans, State Farm

Track 3: Emergency Management

"National Disaster Animal Response and Recovery" Kirby Smith, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture (Moderator); Dr. Alicia Gorczyca-Southerland, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture and Gayla Sesher, City of Moore Animal Welfare Supervisor

Track 4: Special Interest

"Covering the Storm: Journalist’s Perspective on May 20th" Damon Lane, KOCO Chief Meteorologist; Ali Meyer, KFOR Anchor; Rusty Surette, KWTV Executive Producer and Jeff George, KOKH Chief Meteorologist

Track 5: NSWW

"Communications Challenges During the May 2013 Tornadoes" John Ferree, NWS Severe Storms Program Leader/NOAA/NWS Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services; Janice Bunting, National Weather Association and Leslie Chapman-Henderson, Federal Alliance for Safe Homes Inc.

2:00–2:10 PM              Break

2:10–3:10 PM               GENERAL SESSION: "Surviving the Storm" Mike Bettes, The Weather Channel

3:10–3:45 PM              Break

3:45–4:30 PM              BREAKOUT SESSION 4

Track 1: Adjusters

"Suggestions for Good Faith Claims Handling" Tom Ferguson, Walker, Ferguson & Ferguson

Track 2: Producers

"Managing Business from Extreme Tornadoes and Analysis of the 2013 Moore Tornado" Vaughn Jensen and Prasad Gunturi, Willis Re

Track 3: Emergency Management

"Disaster Communication Planning for People with Disabilities" Police Lt. Frank Barnes, Oklahoma City Emergency Management

Track 4: Special Interest

"Three Major Tornado Disasters: What have we learned?" Tim Marshall, Haag Engineering

Track 5: NSWW

"Enhanced Fujita Scale for Tornado Intensity: Status on Improvements" James LaDue, NWS Warning Training Branch, NOAA/ NWS Office of Climate, Water and Weather Services and Brent MacAloney, NOAA/National Weather Service

5:30–8:30 PM              TWISTER MIXER at Chevy Events Center




7:30–8:30 AM               Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30–9:30 AM               GENERAL SESSION: "Tornadoes and Severe Convective Events: Insurance Trends and Challenges in an Era of Climate Volatility" Bob Hartwig, Insurance Information Institute

9:30–9:45 AM               Break

9:45–10:30 AM             BREAKOUT SESSION 5

Track 1: Adjusters 

"Challenges Facing CAT Adjusters" PANEL: Ryan Grattan, Liberty Mutual, Randy Wilden, Farmers and Bobby Smeltzer, Allstate

Track 2: Producers

"Consumer Initiatives to Promote Mitigation: The South Carolina Model" Kendall Buchanan, South Carolina Insurance Department

Track 3: Emergency Management

"May 20 Tornado: City Perspective" Steve Eddy, City Manager of Moore; Deidre Ebrey, Moore Director of Economic Development and Marketing; Gary Bird, Moore Fire Chief; Jerry Stillings, Moore Police Chief and Gayland Kitch, Moore Director of Emergency Management

Track 4: Special Interest

"Mass Evacuation Plans" Shane Cohea, Norman Regional Health System and Trooper Betsy Randolph, Oklahoma Highway Patrol

Track 5: NSWW

"An Update on Tornado Safety in Schools" Rick Smith, Warning Coordination Meteorologist NOAA/NWS Norman and Harold Brooks, NOAA/National Severe Storms Laboratory

10:30–11:00 AM            Break

11:00–11:45 AM            BREAKOUT SESSION 6

Track 1: Adjusters

"What to Do if You Get Sued: Exploring Alternative Dispute Possibilities" Phil Combs, Oklahoma Claim Adjusting and Training

Track 2: Producers 

"Oklahoma Market Assistance Program: Helping Those Struggling To Get Insurance" Dan Ramsey, Independent Insurance Agents of Oklahoma; Kim Decker, Farmers Insurance and Mark Bouse, The Republic Group

Track 3: Emergency Management

"Post Hurricane Sandy: Updates to the Stafford Act" Beth Zimmerman, FEMA- Deputy Associate Administrator for the Office of Response & Recovery (ORR)

Track 4: Special Interest

"Traumatic Stress: Taking Care of your People and the Clients You Serve" Ray Shelton, National Center for Crisis Management

Track 5: NSWW

"Improving Financial Loss Estimates in Disasters" Jeffery Adkins, Coastal Management Services Division, NOAA/National Ocean Service

11:45–11:55 AM           Break

11:55 AM–12:35 PM      GENERAL SESSION: "You Can Stop Guessing (So Much)" Brian Sullivan, Editor, Risk Information Inc.

12:35-1:15 PM             "Market Stability in High-Risk Catastrophe Areas: A Commissioners Panel" Fred Karlinsky (Moderator) Colodny, Fass, Talenfeld, Karlinsky, Abate & Webb, North Carolina Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin, South Carolina Insurance Director Ray Farmer, Former Florida Insurance Commissioner Tom Gallagher and Former New York Superintendent of Insurance James Wrynn

1:15–1:45 PM               Break

1:45–2:20 PM               BREAKOUT SESSION 7

Track 1: Adjusters

"Before, During and After the Storm - Utility Coordination in Disaster Situations" Dana Murphy, Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner and Brandy Wreath, Director, Public Utility Division, Oklahoma Corporation

Track 2: Producers

"The Science of Disaster Resiliency" Dr. Tanya Brown, Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety

Track 3: Emergency Management

"Tornado Sheltering Progress, 1999-2013" Larry Tanner, National Wind Institute

Track 4: Special Interest

"Weather Forecasting and Reporting in Tornado Survivability" Tom Bennett, Jim Giles Safe Rooms

Track 5: NSWW

"The NWS Next Generation Warning Concepts FACETS" Lans Rothfusz, Deputy Division Chief, NOAA/OAR/National Severe Storms Laboratory

2:20–2:30 PM              Break

2:30–3:00 PM               GENERAL SESSION & SUMMIT CLOSING