February 10-11, 2014 | Cox Convention Center | One Myriad Gardens | Oklahoma City, OK

The National Tornado Summit improves disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery in order to save lives and property in the United States.

In addition, the summit serves as a national forum for insurance professionals and regulators as well as international, national and state experts to exchange ideas and recommend new policies to improve emergency management.

Summit highlights include:

  • A two-day tradeshow that connects you to valuable resources, services, and products
  • General sessions with presentations on Crisis & Disaster Communications, Business & Home Safety, Disaster Stress, and Reinsurance
  • Over 25 breakout sessions featuring international, national, and state experts
  • Continuing education credits for insurance professionals
  • Friends, food, and fun at the “Twister Mixer” reception on Monday, February 10
  • Tour of the National Weather Center in Norman, OK and damage of the May 20th tornado