This is the ultimate marketing opportunity for any company or organization seeking to be in front of the over 1,000 leaders and decision makers who work in disaster preparedness, safety, and insurance. Exhibiting and sponsoring offer prime-time exposure of your product and/or services during the two-day event that combines exceptional educational programs and networking opportunities. These individuals come from across the United States to:
• Shorten the buying process by working with you face-to-face,
• See products and services demonstrated firsthand and
• Compare your products and services with other suppliers.

As an exhibitor or sponsor, this is your opportunity to show your commitment within a very influential marketplace, while enhancing your visibility and achieving your public relations and/or marketing/advertising goals. Attendees visit the exhibit area throughout the Summit and are encouraged to meet with each vendor.


Advertising space in the National Tornado Summit’s program is available. Each full summit attendee will receive a program, so don’t miss your opportunity to reach them!




Full-page Ad (black & white)8.375” wide x 10.875” tall$750
Half-page Ad (black & white)3.375” wide x 9.5” tall$550 (vertical)
Half-page Ad (black & white)7” wide x 4.625” tall$550 (horizontal)
Quarter Panel Ad (black & white)3.375” wide x 4.625” tall$400
Business Card Ad (black & white)1.6875” wide x 2.3125” tall$300


Inside Front Cover (Full-page color) - $1,300
Inside Back Cover (Full-page color) - $1,300
Outside Back Cover (Full-page color) - $1,600